
Communicating the activities of our short-term mission trip to Asia Pacific Christian Mission International - September 2010 - so you can PRAY!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beginning the First Day

We arrived at the APCMI Mission Training School and Church campus at 5 am following a 6 hour drive from the Jakarta airport.  Holiday travel meant the 3 lane highway became 5 lanes bumper to bumper using the shoulders as driving lanes except when blocked by people taking a rest stop or having a family meal on the roadside before dawn during the Ramadan fast.

After breakfast we enjoyed a 4 hour praise and worship service with testimonies and group prayer time.  The worship was beautiful, heartfelt and inspiring.  It was a glimpse of heaven when people from every nation and tribe gather before God's throne to worship and enjoy Him together forever.

We received a beautiful, traditional, peacock dance reception just before our lunch feast in the beautiful gardens of the mission compound.


  1. It sounds like you are getting a good dose of patience along with a great opportunity to worship and glorify our Lord and savior. I am so excited for you that you are able to experience this and to be refreshed with a renewing of the Holy Spirit. I pray for you and for myself that the Lord rekindle and renew daily a new and fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost. What a glorious time and a beautiful thing to share.

    I am so looking forward to your return with the renewed power of the Lord in your testimonies and in the messages you teach. By going and witnessing to others and having others witness to you we will also benefit from your jouney. So remember as you enjoy your time there to get as much from that experience and from God as you possibly can because we are looking forward to sharing in the Spirit when you return.

    Always Linda

  2. We are glad that you arrived safely. It looks like you had a wonderful church service. What a beautiful place! I am looking forward to the blessings you will receive by being there among believers of a different culture. Many of us at school will be watching your journey through the blog. Thanks so much for using technology to God's glory. We love you, Ma and Pa Brosi
